5 Sea Food Recipes That Will Have You Licking Your Fingers!

  1. Baked Lemon Salmon with Creamy Dill Saucebaked-lemon-salmon-with-creamy-dill-sauce5crop+srgb.Salmon supplies iron, zinc, niacin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. Salmon is one of the most nutritious types of fish to add to your diet, and can decrease the risk of coronary disease and certain cancers. Also, it’s delicious. Recipe can be found here – cookingclassy.com
  2. Simple Cold Crab Salad
    This is a simple cold salad that you can quickly toss together.  It’s perfect to serve as an appetizer, lunch or as a side dish at dinner. Recipe can be found here – amazingseafoodrecipes.com
  3. Grilled Calamari
    This Grilled Calamari is delicious and, it’s gluten free! Fresh and full of flavor with oregano, parsley and red peppers. Recipe can be found here – skinnyms.com
  4. Traditional Mexican Shrimp Cocktail
    Prepare this refreshing Shrimp Cocktail for your family during those hot summer days or even as light dish. Recipe can be found here –livedan330.com
  5. Lobster & Shrimp Mac n Cheese
    Add a delicious twist to your mac n cheese! This dish is the perfect indulgence for any night of the week. Simple & fun! Recipe can be found here – www.tablefortwoblog.com

Do you have a favorite recipe that you would like to share? We would love to hear from you! Submit your recipe in the comment section. Now let’s play!

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